
Hunting Safari's

Memorable starts here

What our "Safarians" have to say:

Dear Jurie & Renata. Thank you so much for another incredible safari. They just keep getting better & better! This was definitely our best one yet from the home-cooked food, to the buffalo charging the jeep, to the lion hunt, etc. this safari was truly some of the best moments of my life & my family’s lives. I cannot overstate how important you two are to our family. We all look so forward to seeing you again next year & creating more memories that will last a lifetime.
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Where do I start! This is my second hunting safari but hunting with Jurie @Amathanda is by far the best! South Africa is a great country but it’s the people here are what make it so very special. I am a very inexperienced hunter but Jurie gave PERFECT instructions in shooting African game which led to a very successful hunt which exceeded all imaginations! Renata is a great cook and a loving host. Her attention to detail is what sets this experience above the rest. Words cannot thank you enough for inviting me into your home. Your whole family is very special to me and hopefully one day I can return the hospitality. You are all welcome into my home in Hawaii anytime! Not a goodbye but a hui hou!! (until we meet again)
Aloha, Carul
This is my first trip to Africa. I really didn’t know what to expect. Amathanda Hunting Safaris has set a very high bar for what to expect. Every single person here; Jurie, Renata, Pieter, John, Frikkie, Pieter, Amos, etc were absolutely wonderful. They made us feel at home and went out of their way to make sure we had everything we needed and more, honest. By the end, they all felt more like family. I will proudly recommend them to anyone! So whoever reads this in the future, you have made the right choice to come to Amathanda Hunting Safari. Thank you so much for everything! Can’t wait to see you again! PS: you always have a home in the United States
Thank you for a wonderful week, what a great South African experience. I will take home and remember this great adventure. I never thought i’d be in Africa, riding and walking through the bush hunting big game, it was the thrill of a lifetime. The entire staff went to great lengths to accommodate us and make us feel right at home. Renata fed us like royalty thank you so much. I can’t put it down on paper to adequately express my appreciation for all you’ve done this week, thank you, thank you. Only God knows what the future will bring but I hope to visit you again!! Goodbye for now, God’s blessing upon you. Love you guys.Thank you so much for everything! Can’t wait to see you again! PS: you always have a home in the United States
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